10 Quick Affirmations To Start The Week Off Right

Harness the power of affirmations to unlock your best self.

Ready to start the week off right?

It’s time to tap into the power of your voice with affirmations that energize and empower you.

Affirmations are a powerful tool to reshape our thoughts and by extension, our experiences.

However, making them believable to ourselves is crucial for their effectiveness.

Start your affirmations with phrases like “I am choosing to believe…”, “I am the type of person who…”, “I'm learning to…”, or “I am becoming…”.

These introductions help soften internal resistance, making the affirmations more acceptable to your mind.

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10 Affirmations To Start The Week Off Right

  1. "I am choosing to believe I am worthy of love simply for being who I am.

  2. "I am the type of person who honors and trusts my body and its needs by eating foods that are pleasurable, satisfying, and nourishing to me. I permit myself to enjoy all foods."

  3. "I am learning to trust my body to give me the cues and signals that lead to intuitive eating."

  4. "I am becoming someone who feels happy and full of life every day."

  5. "I am the type of person who is becoming at home in my body, comfortable and secure."

  6. "I believe in my potential and my power to achieve great things."

  7. "I'm learning to become okay with my imperfections; nobody is perfect."

  8. "I am choosing to believe that I love taking care of myself and am so worthy of feeling amazing."

  9. "I am the type of person who gives my body the respect it deserves."

  10. "I am doing the best I can, and that is enough."

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For personalized support, book an application call with us today.

Looking forward to our journey together,
