Break Free from Food Obsession – Free Consultation Inside!

Struggling with food cravings and feeling out of control? Discover how your brain's self-protection mechanism can be transformed. Book your free consultation today!

Have you ever found yourself thinking about food all day, every day?

I know I did. It became an obsession, consuming my thoughts and leaving me feeling dizzy and light-headed.

Akasaka on a rainy night

Years ago when I reached out to the expert who created my meal plan, her advice was shocking:

“Try intermittent fasting. It'll make you feel like you're eating more because of the smaller eating window.”

Warning bells went off in my head…

Feeling dizzy and hungry all the time couldn't be right. But, she was the expert, and I trusted her blindly.

I started fasting, and things only got worse. Each time I delayed my hunger, I damaged my relationship with food.

The result? Binge eating and self-sabotage.

But was it really self-sabotage, or was my brain trying to protect me?

I later realized my brain was in survival mode, trying to store up calories after being deprived of energy (aka calories) for so long.

What we think is self-sabotage is self-protection from an unmet need.

Our bodies are designed to survive periods of famine by seeking out food at any cost to restore energy levels. This feast-famine mentality is exhausting and damaging.

Have you ever felt out of control when eating? It might just be your brain's way of compensating for periods of deprivation.

Would you like to break free from this cycle and learn how to honour your hunger?

The way to the cabin

I’m offering a free consultation to help you understand and conquer the feast-famine mentality.

Click the link below to book your call now.

Let’s take the first step towards a healthier relationship with food together.

Looking forward to helping you on your journey to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.



P.S. Have any questions? Feel free to reply to this email, and I'll be happy to help!

P.P.S. Here is a new YouTube video, Click here to watch it now.