Stop Binge Eating: Dirty Tips and Tricks

WARNING: The dirty tips might not be the most long-term but they will help you stay healthy while maybe needing some cheats for keeping the calories controlled. Again the dirty tips are for people that may still be in the "diet" mindset. which isnt where we ultimatly want to be, but we understand you may still be there :)

How to Stop Binge Eating: Tips and Tricks ( dirty tricks and clean tricks )


Binge eating is something that’s becoming more and more common these days, and so many people struggle with it.

but it doesn't have to control your life.

This post is about effective tips and tricks to help you overcome binge eating and establish healthier eating habits.

So here is the order of the blog so you can skip to where you want…

  1. Dirty Tips to Stop Binge Eating ( if you can’t beat the cravings try some of these )

  2. Clean Tips to Stop Binge Eating

  3. Understanding Binge Eating ( the loop )

  4. Common Causes

  5. Conclusion

WARNING: The dirty tips might not be the most long-term but they will help you stay healthy while maybe needing some cheats for keeping the calories controlled. They definitely work though, they don’t solve the root cause of the binge eating though, they are more like a bandaid that will just help you get fit even while binging in ways.

some of these tactics will require more work than others. The real long-term solution is some deep work but while doing that deep work we can utilize some tactics to help with it in the interim :)

Dirty Tips to Stop Binge Eating ( if you can’t beat the cravings try some of these )

Last year, my favorite low-calorie treat was a jello bowl made by mixing Greek yogurt with Sugar-Free Jello Pudding powder. The longer it sits in the fridge, the fluffier it gets. I topped it with two sugar-free strawberry jello packets, and some frozen blueberries.

This year, my favorite calorie / macro-friendly indulgence is protein fluff, available in cake pop and chocolate flavors.

Diet drinks, help you stay full and feel full. When it comes to diet drinks, here are some zero-calorie options I enjoy:

  1. Diet Snapple (Mango and Tropical are my top picks).

  2. Diet Lipton Mixed Berry.

  3. Diet Vanilla Coke Zero.

  4. Diet Cream Soda and Root Beer.

  5. Unsweetened Starbucks Passion Tea (I get a Trenta with light ice, and it's 0 calories without sweetener) plus liquid stevia.

  6. Starbucks Iced Blonde Americano with 2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla and 2 pumps of sugar-free cinnamon dolce, blended (it's a close match to a Frappuccino).

  7. Sugar Cookie Hot Tea with a sprinkle of cinnamon and liquid stevia – it tastes like cookies.

  8. Tazo Dessert Teas (Lemon and Butterscotch are my favorites) – I drink Lemon with liquid stevia and Butterscotch with a butter toffee flavored skinny syrup.

For zero-calorie sweeteners:

Natural Options:

  • Liquid Stevia (no artificial aftertaste).

  • Powdered stevia for baking.

Artificial Sweeteners (no bloating issues):

  • Skinny Syrups (available online or at stores like Home Goods/Marshalls/TJ Maxx/Ross). My favorite flavors include Chocolate Coconut Macaron for coffee, Cookie Dough for Egg White Oatmeal, White Chocolate, and Birthday Cake for protein fluff.

  • Walden Farms International products, such as pancake syrup and chocolate syrup.

To make healthier meals exciting:

  • Use low or no-calorie sauces like mustard, Sriracha, Buffalo Sauce, and Everything but the Bagel Seasoning.

  • G Hughes marinades can double as salad dressings.

  • Experiment with Kernel Seasonings.

For satisfying burger or sandwich cravings:

  • Make crunch wraps by wrapping a 96/4 beef patty with toppings in a wrap.

For accurate serving sizes:

  • Consider CutdaCarb wraps as an alternative to Joseph's Lavash Wraps. They're thinner, delicate, and only 90 calories each.

Tips To eat for volume ( staying full and feeling full ) :

  • Opt for cauliflower rice over regular rice for more satisfying portions.

  • Add egg whites or vegetables to oatmeal for a filling breakfast.

  • Try Shirataki Noodles like pasta zero or Miracle Noodles.

  • Whip egg whites into protein pancakes.

  • Make Protein Fluff.

  • Split a pita lengthwise to create two mini pizzas.

  • 20 oz of water before eating every meal ( stay hydrated and full )

For low-calorie, filling snacks:

  • Enjoy Miso Soup, available in instant packets at the grocery store (30-35 calories per bowl).

  • Try Fat-Free Hot Cocoa (Nestle brand is 25 calories each with 4g of carbs and 1g of protein) with hot water.

Zero guilt snack

  • Pickles are super flavorful and filling. but they are practically 0 calories. plus they have a ton of sodium which can be good if you sweat a lot that day

Clean Tips to Stop Binge Eating

1. Practice Mindful Eating

Mindful eating involves paying full attention to your food, savoring each bite, and eating without distractions. It helps you become more in tune with your body's hunger and fullness cues.

2. Keep a Food Diary

Tracking your food intake can help you identify patterns and triggers for binge eating. Write down what you eat, when you eat, and how you feel before and after each meal.

3. Manage Stress

Stress is a significant trigger for binge eating. Explore stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to manage your emotions in a healthier way.

4. Avoid Strict Diets

Rather than following restrictive diets, focus on balanced and sustainable eating habits. Allow yourself occasional treats to avoid feeling deprived.

5. Seek Support

Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Talking about your struggles can help you feel understood and less alone in your journey.

One of the best hacks that can help a ton is our accountability check ins we do in the group. just knowing you have someone checking in on you daily helps keep you on track :)

6. Create a Structured Meal Plan

Establish a regular eating schedule with balanced meals and snacks. This helps prevent extreme hunger that can lead to binge eating.

7. Find Alternative Coping Mechanisms

Replace binge eating with healthier coping strategies such as going for a walk, journaling, or pursuing a hobby you enjoy.

8. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water throughout the day can help reduce cravings and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Understanding Binge Eating ( the loop )

What is Binge Eating?

Binge eating is characterized by consuming large quantities of food in a short period while feeling a lack of control over your eating habits. It's often accompanied by guilt, shame, and emotional distress.

The Binge Loop ( cycle ) - Knowing this is step one to breaking it…

Pretty much every attempt to diet or lose weight or stop binging has this cycle. Knowing this is step 1 to being able to stop it.

Pretty much any diet or weight loss attempt has this loop.

We decide to go on a diet, then we get deprived, then the emotions and triggers urge us to eat, we binge again, then feel ashamed and bad about ourselves, and then we decide to diet again. Over and over and over…

Sound familiar?

We will go deeper into how the brain is wired and how to break this in another post, but for now here are some causes to look out for…

Step one is understanding and recognizing. we will get to step two later :)

Common Causes

  1. Emotional Triggers: Stress, anxiety, depression, or loneliness can trigger binge eating episodes.

  2. Dieting and Restriction: Strict diets and food restrictions can lead to overeating when willpower breaks down.

  3. Habitual Patterns: Over time, binge eating can become a habitual response to certain situations or emotions.

  4. Past Trauma: in many cases we actually have certain habits that are tied to deeper emotions caused by our past. these do have to be worked on ( we will dive much deeper later in this )

Identifying Binge Eating Patterns

Recognizing the Signs

  1. Frequent Overeating: Consistently eating large amounts of food.

  2. Eating in Secret: Hiding food or feeling embarrassed about your eating habits.

  3. Lack of Satisfaction: Not feeling satisfied even after overeating.

  4. Physical Discomfort: Experiencing discomfort, such as bloating or nausea, after a binge episode.


Binge eating is a challenging issue, but with determination and the right strategies, you can overcome it. Just take it one day at a time :)

Remember… progress, not perfection :)