Why Can't You Overcome Your Eating Disorder and Get in Shape? (And How to Change That)

Why You Keep Failing with Healing Your Eating Disorder and Not Getting into Shape… ( and how to fix it )

Introduction -

Many Women find themselves trapped in a relentless cycle of attempting to get better, or to lose wieght and get into shape but failing over and over and over… This post shows you why that happens, and more importantly how to once and for all be healthy, and how to break free from this cycle.

Understanding the Root Causes & Influencing Factors

I want you to imagine a weed for a second… now what happens if you pull a weed but don’t get the root? IT GROWS BACK and the same will happen with your health or eating disorder if we don’t get the root. That's why we first focus on getting to the root , then working on all the other things around it.

But you are probably asking well how do you find the real root cause? and that’s where using our “Root Cause Analysis” cheat sheet will help with that… ( more on this later ). With each root cause, there is a correlating root solution to it. usually a perfect pair.

Before we dive into how to find the root causes and how to fix them, we first need to know what to look for and what are some common causes.

1. Psychological Factors

1.1 Low Self-Esteem

One of the primary reasons people struggle with eating disorders is their low self-esteem. They often feel unworthy or unattractive, leading to harmful behaviors related to their body and food. The trick is to identify why this exists, and then use a frame work to build your self esteem up.

( this is a longer topic but we will make some blogs about how to do this later )

1.2 Past Trauma

Traumatic experiences from the past can trigger eating disorders. People may turn to food as a coping mechanism to deal with emotional pain.

Usually this is dealt with by finding it, understanding why it exist, understanding the beliefs around it and what came, and then using releasing techniques to get rid of it.

( this is also a longer topic but we will make some blogs about how to do this later )  

1.3 Boredom

this is what a lot of people claim to be the culprit for their eating or trigger for the disorder. While that’s kinda true its not the full story. beneath boredom is actually discomfort. and beneath that is usually emotions we are avoiding. So this really boils down to “emotional evasion”. Plenty of tools you can use to work on this one ( more on this topic another time )

2. Social Pressures

2.1 Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Media and society often promote unrealistic beauty standards, causing individuals to feel inadequate and pressured to conform.

2.2 Peer Influence

Peer pressure can also contribute to eating disorders, as individuals try to fit in or gain acceptance from their social circles.

3. Environmental Factors

3.1 Home Environment

We all know our surroundings have an impact on our choices and eating habits. Your home life can play a huge role in weather you succeed or fail with your health. Thats why you need to know what things to change at home that lead to success instead of sabatoging your goals.

3.2 Work Environment

Just like home work is usually a place we spend a lot of time. the friends and colleagues you work with have an effect on your thoughts, beliefs and actions. So knowing how to stop negative external influences is crucial for getting your goals.

The Common Pitfalls ( what to do to succeed )

4. Crash Diets and Extreme Workouts

4.1 Quick Fixes

Many people resort to crash diets and extreme workouts in their quest for a perfect body. However, these methods rarely provide lasting results and can be detrimental to physical and mental health. Usually people end up worse off

4.2 Unsustainable Lifestyle Changes

Rapid changes in eating habits and exercise routines are often unsustainable in the long run, leading to relapses and disappointment. The key is to

5. Lack of Guidance or Help

5.1 Self-Diagnosis

Have you ever heard the saying “ you cant see the picture when you are in the frame”?

Well in life we are all in that boat. think about your favorite athlete, or signer or actor… they all had a coach at some point.

Why? because you cant see your situation clearly when you are so close to it.

Some individuals attempt to heal their eating disorders without seeking professional guidance, which can hinder their progress.

5.2 Importance of Inner Work / Root Cause Work

Therapeutic interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, play a crucial role in addressing the underlying issues of eating disorders.

Lots of triggers and patterns and habits can be completely demolished just by addressing the root cause. So many people don’t even look and address this though. they glaze over despite it being 1 of the 3 keys to long term success.

Breaking the Cycle

6. Self-Acceptance

6.1 Embracing Imperfections

Learning to accept oneself, flaws and all, is a crucial step in healing from an eating disorder. Embracing imperfections can lead to a healthier relationship with food and body image.

7. Seeking Support

7.1 Supportive Network

Building a support system of friends and family who understand the challenges of healing from an eating disorder can provide invaluable encouragement.

Having a support of people that are just like you and people you can confide in make a huge difference. people who have been through similar struggles and can guide you because they understand what to do because they themselves overcame the same issue you are trying to overcome is the short cut to being able to reach your goals.

8. Professional Guidance

8.1 Therapy / Counseling / Coaching

Consulting with the right proessionals that have helped similar cases dozens of times is a short cut to health long term. you can get the tools and strategies needed for recovery without haveing to do years of school and research.



Healing from an eating disorder and achieving the desired physical shape is a journey filled with obstacles. However, by addressing the root causes, avoiding common pitfalls, and seeking the right support, individuals can break free from the cycle of failure and embark on a path towards a healthier and happier life.

Thats what this community is all about…

in the community we have…

  1. Therapy / Counselng & Coaching - so you can see the root cause, and get a custom plan to fix it

  2. Community Support & Accountability - so you feel encouraged everyday and never fall off track with your team

  3. Education for diet and exercise - so you don’t have to wonder what diet or what to eat or how you should be exercising for your specific body

All 3 pillars to ensure you succeed. and don’t worry we are opening enrolment so you can test it all out and start making progress very soon :)

You got this girl, I believe in you!


Now I know a lot of you have been asking to join, and we are super close to opening up enrolment. so keep you eyes peeled for when we do. should be here in the next few weeks.

Love you ladies, don’t forget how amazing you are, and trust me… you will overcome these challenges and be all the better for it.