The Truth Behind 'I'm Fine': Uncover the Power of Honest Self-Reflection

Discover How Truly Checking In With Yourself Can Change Your Life

I place my hand on my heart, close my eyes and take a deep breath…

“How are doing sweetie?” I whisper to myself.

Sometimes the question is met with a smile, I feel strong and empowered.

Other times, my lips turn down and tears well up in my eyes.

I am not okay.

Before we go any further, I invite you to try it out.

Take a deep breath.

Close your eyes.

Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself out loud: “How are you doing sweetie?”

(I like to include a term of endearment like darling, sweetie, or honey which I encourage but up to you.) 

Take a minute to see what comes up before you keep reading.

Did you do it yet? I’ll wait…

Okay, what was the response you received?

Was it what you expected?

When was the last time you truly checked in with yourself?

For myself, this has become a daily habit, but for most of my life, I had never taken that pause to ask how I was.

In the gap between how we tell ourselves we are and the reality of how we truly are is a growing disconnection that is wreaking havoc on our lives, often without our awareness.

In our fast-paced world, we get caught up in the whirlwind of daily tasks, responsibilities, and social pressures.

This constant rush can make us lose touch with our true selves, our needs, and our feelings.

We tend to default to a mechanical response of "I'm okay," even when we're far from it.

Living in a state of denial about our true emotions leads to more than just momentary discomfort; it can have long-lasting effects on our mental and physical well-being.

When we ignore or suppress our feelings, we're not just pushing aside temporary emotions; we're potentially building up stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Coping mechanisms might kick in, but they're just temporary fixes—like binge eating, overeating, or stress eating. These can provide momentary relief, but they don't address the underlying issues.

Trusting Yourself and Your Emotions

Learning to trust yourself and your feelings is crucial. It's about acknowledging that it's okay not to be okay. Recognizing and accepting your emotions as they are, without judgment, is the first step towards healing and growth.

When we stop and genuinely ask ourselves how we're doing, we open the door to understanding our true needs. This self-awareness allows us to start addressing what's really bothering us, rather than just plastering over it with a quick fix.

Permission to Feel, Permission to Be Human

Permission to be human, to experience a range of emotions, and to not have it all together all the time. Acknowledging your vulnerabilities can be a source of strength. It means you're aware of your emotional state and you're willing to take steps to care for it.

Taking Action: Beyond the "I'm Fine"

Next time you catch yourself automatically responding with "I'm fine," take a moment. Pause. Reflect. Are you really fine? If not, what can you do about it?

How do you translate this awareness into tangible action that can revolutionize your relationship with food, your body, and most importantly, with yourself?

To guide you through this transformative process, I've created a special video that's not just about understanding your emotions but about taking a specific, action step to foster a positive and healthy relationship with food and your body.

Take this moment to commit to your growth.

Click the link below to watch the video and embark on the next step of your journey. It's time to revolutionize your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

Together, let's move forward with courage, understanding, and the willingness to grow. Your path to a healthier, happier you starts now.