Is Sleep Really the Reason for Bingeing / Hunger?

Have you heard of "beauty sleep"? Or maybe "sleeping beauty"? Of course, you have. But did you know the correlation between sleep and health is bigger than you might think?

Is Sleep Really the Reason for Bingeing / Hunger?

Have you heard of "beauty sleep"? Or maybe "sleeping beauty"? Of course, you have. But did you know the correlation between sleep and health is bigger than you might think?

I remember back in college, we had a unit in Anatomy 302 all about sleep and how it ties into other systems in the body, like your endocrine system, digestive system, etc.

Don't worry, I won't bore you with all the details, but I do want to show you how sleep is much more important than you might think, especially if you're trying to get in shape and kick those bad eating habits.

Most of us have binged at some point, but did you know that there are specific hormones that cause that hunger you feel?

Sam's Late-Night Fridge Raids: A Real-World Story

So, let's talk about Sam. A buddy of mine from college, Sam was notorious for his late-night snack runs. It didn't matter how many diets he tried; he always found himself munching away at midnight.

But since me and sam had this class together, we decided to not only look at his diets, but other habits and environmental factors too.

Wanted to see how they affected Sam’s results…

We decided that one of the things we would do was track his sleep, and we would test different things ( some are listed below ) to help him sleep better.

And wouldn’t you know it, after 13 weeks Sam had actually not only been consistent in losing about .8 lbs per week but also a ton of other things he reported were much better like his mood, his energy, his libido ( is this TMI lol 😂 )

Now sleep wasn’t the only thing we tested but it was one of the big factors and it absolutely played a huge role.

Science Speaks: Sleep's Role in Your Food Frenzy

Here's the scoop: when you skimp on sleep, your body gets all out of whack, hormonally speaking. Your 'I'm hungry' hormone, ghrelin, goes into overdrive, while your 'I'm full' buddy, leptin, takes a backseat. That's like having a green light to eat with no red light in sight.

And it gets wilder – lack of sleep can mess with your insulin, making you more likely to put on weight and even risk diabetes. Plus, a sleepy brain is like a rebellious teenager – it wants quick, feel-good fixes, usually in the form of sugary or fatty snacks.

Digging Deeper: It's Not Just About Hormones

  • Metabolism Slowdown: Less sleep can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to process foods, especially sugars.

  • Emotional Eating: Ever noticed how you crave junk food when you're stressed or tired? That's your brain on a sleep deficit.

  • Poor Decision-Making: Tired brains don't make the healthiest food choices. They're all about instant gratification.

Wrapping It Up: More Zzzs for Less Cravings

So, what's the takeaway? More sleep = better control over your eating habits. It's not just about strong willpower; it's about giving your body the rest it needs.

Sam's Top Tips for Better Sleep and Eating Habits

  1. Consistent Sleep Schedule: Aim for 7-9 hours each night. Make it a habit.

  2. Bedroom Bliss: Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

  3. ZMA - get a zink, magnesium supplement - its been shown

  4. Evening No-no's: Cut back on caffeine and alcohol before bed.

  5. Mindful Eating: Pay attention to what and when you eat, especially later in the day.

  6. Exercise Regularly: It helps with sleep, but don't do it too close to bedtime.

  7. Calm App - its an app that has story that put you to sleep, I used it before and really like it

  8. Stress Less: Try yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

  9. Screen Time: Power down your devices an hour before bed.

  10. Lighter Dinners: Keep your evening meals light and easy to digest.

  11. Hydration: Drink enough water, but not so much that you're up all night.

Remember, tackling those late-night cravings might just be as simple as getting a good night's sleep. So, let's hit the hay and give those snacks a break, shall we? Happy snoozing! 🌙🍫