I ate like sh*t yesterday but I didn’t ….

dont keep this cycle going

So I ate like sh*t yesterday but I didn’t punish myself.

I remember I used to have a cookie, or have a cheat day or meal and I would feel awful about myself.

But although we think punishing ourself or making up for it helps us make progress… it actually does the opposite.

Now in the short term yes it kinda makes up for it. But in the long term it continues the cycle.

The cycle of you feeling bad about you.

You feel bad about your weight, your this or your that, and when you feel bad enough, you turn to coping mechanisms for comfort.

And for a lot of us that struggle with eating disorders or our health.

We get comfort out of foods, and patterns.

So I have a challenge for you.

The next time you eat something “bad”, I want you to actually enjoy it.

Enjoy the after-effect of it. Don’t punish yourself.

You are an amazing person, you can let go for a minute of needing to be perfect and enjoy it.

If you haven’t been given permission, well then I’m giving it to you now. Enjoy it. There is no need for punishment after, you did nothing wrong.

Dont worry, you can go back to the normal healthy habits you have or are working on after :)

But get rid of the punishment. I promise it doesn’t help in the long run.


I wanted to ask… Have you ever punished yourself for eating something?

Also wanted to ask what is it that this community could give you that would help you most?

We are a couple weeks out from re-opening enrolment

Thanks, Jesse :)